NewsThe Four Oarsmen win The Atlantic Challenge
The Four Oarsmen win The Atlantic Challenge

The Four Oarsmen win The Atlantic Challenge

The Four Oarsmen stepped ashore in Nelson’s Dockyard, Antigua outright winners of the 3,000 mile Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge and new race record holders.
Starting in La Gomera in the Canaries on December 14th, the four rugby players have taken just 29 days, 14 hours, 34 minutes to row the Atlantic, a herculean challenge, and smashed the record. They are the the fastest team in history to row across the Atlantic Ocean! The Four Oarsmen have maintained a blistering pace, leading right from the start which is exceptional for a team of four novice rowers.
The Four Oarsmen win The Atlantic Challenge
Under constant pressure from the chasing fleet just a few miles astern, The Four Oarsmen have suffered blistered hands and sore buttocks but remained determined and focused on the challenge. The team of 6’4” rowers end-to-end are over 2 feet longer than the boat, which ensured the 3,000 miles were in “cosy” conditions, a testament to the four rowers’ friendship and determination.
The Four Oarsmen have raised substantial sums for their chosen charities Mind and Spinal Research which will certainly be enhanced by their emphatic win. Saltwater Stone is proud to be a sponsor of The Four Oarsmen and offer them our hearty congratulations.
The Four Oarsmen are:
Dicky Taylor (31)
George Biggar (31)
Peter Robinson (31)
Stuart Watts (34)
Donations to their chosen charities can be made here.

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